Art of the Pendulum by Cassandra Eason
Dowsing with a pendulum, or radiaesthesia, is the most direct form of
divination. In The Art of the Pendulum you`ll find an excellent
overview of how pendulums work and how to work with them. Divination
expert Cassandra Eason brings us both a how-to and a history of dowsing
and the powerful art of the pendulum divination. This very practical
book includes exercises progressing from the most simple to the more
Beginning with the basic theories and practices of dowsing, Eason
reveals techniques for finding lost objects, healing, identifying energy
fields, and even making sound personal decisions about career, family,
and money. She also identifies ways in which dowsing can help us tune in
to the psychic world. Learn about the properties of different pendulums
and how to choose the best one for your purposes. Gain experience and
develop skills for confident future practice.
This is a 131 page trade paperback. 15.95 |
Spiral Goddess Pendant
Appearing as an ancient symbol of the goddess, this pendant presents
a feminine form with her arms raised up to form an "O" above her head,
while her womb is marked with a spiral - a splendid symbol of creation
and feminine fertility. Made of heavy-weight, silvertone pewter, it can
be worn on your favorite chain or cord and can also readily serve as a
unique pendulum. The pendant measures approximately 1 3/4" in height.
8.95 |
Lapis Chambered Pendulum
Created for your dowsing and ritual divination, this chambered
pendulum offers a bob that at first glance seems to simply be a conical
piece of lapis affixed to a silvertone cap. However, the cap unscrews to
reveal a small chamber in which you can place your favorite sacred oil,
herbs, or anything else you can imagine to lend energy and guidance to
your divination. The bob itself measures approximately 2" long and comes
strung upon a 7" silvertone chain ending in a small bead to keep it from
slipping from your grasp. 13.95 |
Pendulum Kit by Sig Lonegren
The pendulum is a tool that bridges the gap between the logical left
brain and the intuitive right brain. By interpreting the movements of a
swinging pendulum, you can tune into your intuition, find the answer to
any question, and locate objects and energy centers in the earth. This
completely self-contained kit includes everything you need to become an
expert dowser, including a pendulum with cord and a 128 page instruction
book with exercises, dowsing charts, astrology charts, and maps. With
your personal pendulum, you will have the key to unlocking the mysteries
of the earth and its energy fields and tapping the unlimited potential
of your own mind. 23.95 |
Three Piece Quartz Pendulum
Of unique design, this pendulum features three pieces of quartz
combined to fantastic effect. The pendulum`s bob begins with a simple
and delicate quartz point, bound at one end within a silvertone wrap
that flows back into a silvertone frame. Within this frame a quartz
crystal with 16 facets has been set in a manner that allows it to spin
in place, while atop - and finishing the bob off elegantly - is a small
quartz crystal ball. All of this hangs 2 1/2" long upon a 7 1/2" long
chain to create the perfect tool for dowsing and divination. 20.95 |
Pendulum Dowsing Board 8" X 8" Glass
This wonderfully crafted glass board provides a fantastic medium for
your dowsing and pendulum divination. Use your favorite pendulum over
the board while concentrating upon your questions to find the answers
that you seek. The strength of your intent, desire and emotion will aid
you in this endeavor, with some believing it best to also declare that
your answers are for "the highest good." Sitting 8" wide by 8" long, the
glass board provides a black surface marked with a white design that
provides a center space for you to being surrounded with letters,
numbers, and yes or no answers, to help provide deeper answers than you
might have found before. 52.95 |
TTruth Fairy, Pendulum & Message Board by Amy Zerner/ Monte F
Invite the magic into your life with this enchanting kit by
multi-mediums Amy Zerner and Monte Farber. It contains an inscribed
Truth Fairy pendulum on woven cord; 12 Magical Message Boards; an
illuminating 48 page full-color guidebook; 12 Fairy Enchantments; and
the CD Music from the Nature Spirits. Just swing the inscribed pendulum
over one of the fairy boards to contact your Fairy Guides for
inspiration and advice, receive answers to virtually any question;
develop intuitive powers and awareness; and find your lifes path. Each
marvelous message board is the special province of one of the 12
multi-cultural fairies of Love, Success, Communications, Creativity,
Timing, Location, Wellness, Banishing, Courage, Enlightenment,
Abundance, or Joy. Plus, when youre not using the pendulum as a
divination tool, you can wear it just like a pendantexcept that it also
contains a secret chamber to hold special messages, fairy dust, or herbs
to enhance the magic and help uncover the truth thats so often hidden
from the conscious mind. This is a must-have for anyone fascinated by
the fairy world. 20.95 |
Ouija-Board Altar Cloth
Intended to help you bring your success with pendulum work,
divination, and dowsing to new levels, this 100% cotton altar cloth has
been brilliantly worked into an image very similar to a Ouija-Board.
Hover your pendulum over its surface or otherwise use it as a base for
your divination and its markings of "yes," "no," and other such answers
can help bring you into a realm of true communication with the energies
and spirits all around you. This Ouija-Board Altar cloth is
approximately 24" by 30" in size. 20.95 |
Clear Quartz 7 Chakra Pentagram Pendulum
Carved of a clear quartz stone, this faceted pendulum bob is
inscribed with a pentagram that has been gilded or silvered, resulting
in a potent focus for your will and energy within your divination craft.
This is further enhanced by a chain featuring 7 small stones, each
representing one of the 7 Chakras, and ending in a small heart-shaped
counter balance. Use it to help find the answers to the questions that
plague you. The total measurement of the pendulum and chain comes to
approximately 9 1/2" while the pendulum bob is only 5/8" wide. 12.95 |