Magic Candle, Facts & Fundamentals by
Charmaine Dey
burning is a psychic and psychological experience, and may compliment
your particular faith by arranging your rituals to blend into it. You
need not do anything which you feel is inharmonious with your personal
beliefs, as there are countless alternatives. There are numerous
authorities and traditions which attempt to tell you precisely what to
do in each type of candle burning ritual or spell, but few attempt to
explain the reasons why it must be just so. The actual reason is because
that is what works best for them, but does it mean anything to you? The
one basic, simple fact we can feel sure of is that the act of burning
candles does indeed cause an altered state of awareness, producing
changes in circumstances. The important thing is to pour a part of
yourself into each spell. This book will teach you what you need to know
to succeed with candle burning. 62 pages. 9.95

The Master book of Candleburning.
In this new revised edition the author attempts to
aid the reader in the art of candle burning to bring the most
satisfaction and consolation in the endeavor. Some historical and other
data are included to better illustrate the symbolism involved in modern
candle burning. The modern rituals outlined in the book are based on
practices which have been described by mediums, spiritual advisors,
evangelists, and others who should be in a position to know. All the
candle burning rituals include a Psalm best suited to the purpose you
want to achieve, whether it is to find love, attain money, stop slander,
overcome an enemy, or countless others. 106 pgs. 10.95
Practical Candle Burning Rituals by Ray Buckland
is great for doing
any type ritual he has mentioned. It also is two sided giving you a
Christian version for non-Witches and a Pagan side for Witches/ Wiccans/
Pagans to use. The directions are easy to follow and if you follow the
directions that he has set for timing, moon phases, and use the
appropriate colors your spell should work for you. This is a great
reference book, especially for the appropriate colors and altar layouts
for candle spells. The way Buckland has written this book is what works
for him there is no law that says you can not improvise your own words
into the rituals he has written to make them work for you. Excellent
book with easy rituals and great results! Paperback, 210 pages 9.95
Advanced Candle Magic by Ray Buckland
he authors first book on candle magick, Practical Candleburning
Rituals, is the classic text on candle magick. This book picks up where
the previous left off, taking you to the next level in the art of candle
magick. The new rituals presented are powerful methods that go beyond
simple spells. Here are new tools for the more advanced student of
magick - presented in everyday language. Loaded with valuable tips,
expert advice, and answers to the most commonly asked questions about
magick, this book is an indispensable addition to anyone's magickal
library. Paperback, 265 pgs. 13.95
Ancient Wisdom, Master Grimoire by Pat Sawyer
Pat The Master Grimoire A
sorceror`s best friend. The definitive compendium of herbs, oils, and
incenses for ritual ingredients, baths, tinctures, perfumes, sachets.
Magickal applications include candle magick technique and annointing
oil, powders, potions, floorwashes, talismans, charms and enchantments.
A treasure trove from across time across magickal paths including
esoteric oral traditions, and Mystery Schools. Paperback 286 pgs. 28.95
Candle Magic for Beginners by
Richard Webster
you`ve ever blown out a birthday candle and made a wish, you`ve
practiced candle magic. It`s a simple, fun way to manifest your desires
and make your dreams come true. This highly practiced art is used by
people of all faiths and requires no previous experience. Soft cover 244
pgs. 12.95
Candle Magic by Phillip Cooper
Candle energy is magical energy; probably the simplest, most direct and
effective magic you can work. The author firmly believes that you must
learn a few basic techniques and begin some inner work before you can
effectively practice magic. He teaches the power of visualization,
explains how to choose candles, and describes planetary correspondences
so you can harness the correct energy for any endeavor. Paperback, 154
pgs. Cooper, Phillip 16.95
Candle Burning to contact your personal Guardian Angel by William
Alexander Oribello
He has taught people from all walks of life how to
improve themselves in every way through the application of the Mystical
Sciences. Having begun his work as a child, it is said he communed with
the Ascended Masters of Wisdom, the Space Federation, and living adepts
of the Sacred Magickal Knowledge, through which he gained his knowledge
of spirituality and used it to enrich his life as well as that of many
Here, with an introduction from famed
spiritualist Gianna Tessman, who herself is said to have had contact
with angelic beings, we find Reverend Oribello`s book on how to contact
and commune with angels.
Topics covered include:
- The Third Kingdom
- Wisdom
- Positive Contacts with Candles
- Ritual Bath
- "Cleaning" a Location
- Your Personal Angel
- Message from Archangel Michael
- Immortality Obtained
- Archangels
- The Archangels of the Planets
- Master Teacher Angels
- Angels of the Spirit World
- The Greatest Little Known Secret about
- Visit From an Angel
- Angel of Protection
- And much more!
This is a 96 page soft cover book, in special
limited edition.
20.95 |