Often viewed as the patron god of Egypt, Horus is widely recognized as
one of the eldest and most revered of the Egyptian gods. Indeed, in the
days of Ancient Egypt the Pharaoh was believed to be Horus in life much
as he was believed to be Osiris in death, with each new Pharaoh merely
being a new incarnation of Horus; a concept that had overtaken the
earlier belief that the Pharaoh was the son of Ra. As the conqueror of
Seth, the god of war and hunting, and the protector of Egypt, his
symbol, the Eye of Horus, became a symbol of protection and power,
helping to ward off evil.
Taking the form of the traditional image of Horus, this statue
celebrates the patron deity as he was known to the Ancient Egyptians.
With the head of a falcon crowned in rulership of all of Egypt, he is
posed as one might see him portrayed in ancient hieroglyphs: one foot
slightly forward with his forward hand holding the carrying the
traditional staff and his relaxed arm carrying the ankh. The whole piece
stands approximately 12" tall, 2 3/4" wide, and 4" deep and has been
painted in rich tones of gold and black. 36.95
Few images are so at the core of
philosophical and theological debate as the figure of Baphomet. Baphomet
did not appear in manuscripts or writing until the 12th century, and
thereafter the name and image has been a subject of debate and
controversy almost wherever it appears. Here Baphomet is depicted as the
Sabbatic Goat, as first illustrated by Eliphas Levi in 1854 within his
work "Dogmas and Rituals of High Magic. As such, Baphomet appears as a
winged humanoid goat with a pair of breasts and a torch burning between
its horns, behind a pentagram marking his brow. The whole of the
symbolism is described by Eliphas as:
The goat on the frontispiece
carries the sign of the pentagram on the forehead, with one point at
the top, a symbol of light, his two hands forming the sign of
hermetism, the one pointing up to the white moon of Chesed, the other
pointing down to the black one of Geburah. This sign expresses the
perfect harmony of mercy with justice. His one arm is female, the
other male like the ones of the adrogyn of Khunrath, the attributes of
which we had to unite with those of our goat because he is one and the
same symbol. The flame of intelligence shining between his horns is
the magic light of the universal balance, the image of the soul solely
responsible part has to bear the punishment exclusively; because the
soul is insensitive according to its nature and can only suffer when
it materializes. The rod standing instead of genitals symbolizes
eternal life, the body covered with scales the water, the semi-circle
above it the atmosphere, the feathers flowing above the volatile.
Humanity is represented by the two breasts and the androgyn arms of
this sphinx of the occult sciences."
As a figure of great occult
symbolism, Baphomet was embraced by Aleister Crowley in Thelema, as a
representation of arcane perfection. Similarly, many modern Satanists
also look up the symbol as a portrayal of Satan, or a demon. Whatever
you choose to believe in its representation, this black statue of
Baphomet is a fantastic piece for the magical altar. Sculpted from
plaster with impressive attention to detail, it stands approximately 12"
tall and 7 1/2" wide at its widest point. 75.95 |
Chango 15" Statue
One of the most celebrated of the
Orisha, Chango (or Shango), is revered as the Sky Father; a spirit and
god of thunder and lightning. As such, he is often viewed as the chief
spirit and power within Santeria, and many other faiths with a Yoruba
background. Having culture and ceremony that is perhaps the most intact
from the middle passage, Chango is also viewed as a symbol of African
resistance against an enslaving European culture. Before he was deified,
he was actually the third king of Oyo, in Yorubaland, land and is
celebrated for bringing prosperity to his lands, during his life. His
worship is said to bring power and self control to his followers, as
well the prosperity and protection that he can confer.
/br>Here he is portrayed as a powerfully muscular African man, wearing
the crown that marks him as King. Wearing the colors that are his
symbol, he is dressed in deep red robes, cinched together with a white
belt, and is armored in numerous cowrie shells. Viewed as a powerful
protector, the mask of Elegua, the Orisha of trickery, is also left by
his feet, along with five cowrie shells. A powerful representation of
the Sky Father, this statue of Chango is perfect for your altar, or in
decorated your home. It measures approximately 15" high, not including
the axe that can be removed from his hand, and 7" wide, and is sculpted
in cold-cast resin and natural cowrie shells. 75.95 |
Antiqued Bronze Shiva Dancing Statue
A brilliant depiction of Shiva, the
Hindu figure of absolute divinity, this statue has been beautifully
created out of bronze and antiqued so as to lend it an "ancient,"
quality that only lends to it a certain sacred mystique that only
amplifies the symbolism involved in its design.
Shiva, a God of Creation, is
portrayed dancing within a ring of fire that represents the creation of
the cosmos. With Shiva at its center it represents him at the center of
the spark of creation within all things. The entire piece stands
approximately 6" tall and 4 3/4" wide. 23.95
CentaurViewed in a duality that matches
their form, Centaurs are often considered to possess an untamed nature,
embodying the thunder and beauty of a wild herd of horses, leaving them
prone to drinking, carousing and even violence, they are also often
depicted as wise teachers, like Chiron who was renowned for his
knowledge and skill with medicine and was said to have tutored many of
the heroes of Greek legend.
This statue seems to embody the wild nature of the Centaur, though
wisdom and intelligence can still be seen within his marvelously
detailed facial features, contorted in rage as they are. With the lower
body of a horse, he rears back, kicking with his hooves as, with the
upper body of a man, he brandishes his wide shield and prepares to slash
out with his sword.
Made of cold-cast resin, this statue has been painstakingly crafted so
as to appear to be created out of bronze, and so that every detail is
captured, from the hair upon the Centaur`s chest to the flying hair of
his horse-tail. This makes it a fantastic piece for anybody that feels a
kinship with this mythical creature, who is both wild and fearsome and a
creature of wisdom and healing. It stands approximately 11 1/2" tall and
8 1/2" long, fitting on most desks, altars and book shelves. 62.95
Oshun, the Orisha of love, maternity,
and marriage is a powerful, and frequently revered part of Cuban
Santeria and Yoruba culture. She is known as a powerful force of
harmony, particularly that which we can sense as beauty, love and
pleasure. She is also seen as the only female to have been part of the
world`s creation, and as such is particularly favored as a mother
figure. These benevolent aspects combine with the fact that she is
generally seen as among the most likely to answer a prayer to make her
one of the most favored among the Orisha.
With such a wonderous entity, this statue has a lot to live up to in
trying to capture her image. She is portrayed here as a lithe woman of
beauty, fanning herself with a feather fan with flowers and pumpkins
offered by her feet. Scantily clad in a small top and a flowing, divided
skirt, she seems fully at peace with her surroundings, and does indeed
live up to the beauty she represents.
This statue stands approximately 13 3/4" tall and 6 1/4" wide elegantly
sculpted of cold cast resin, making it well suited for veneration upon
your altar as well as simply bringing this figure of beauty and grace
into your home. 62.95
One of the most widely recognized gods revered by the ancient
Egyptians, Anubis is most frequently represented as a man with a black,
jackal`s head. Within Egyptian mythology, he is known often as the
Embalmer, who helps prepare the dead for their journey to the
underworld. Of old Anubis was also known to be the guardian of the dead,
and the one who weighed the heart of against Ma`at to determine the
worthiness of the deceased. As such, he had a prominent role throughout
Egyptian history, and was worshiped in various forms into the 2nd
century, with the eventual incarnation of Hermanubis even appearing in
alchemical and hermetical works.
This statue depicts Anubis in the traditional manner; an upright man
with a crook in one hand and the ankh in the other, in the garb of the
ancient Egyptians and a golden headdress hanging from his jackal head.
Place it upon your altar and celebrate Anubis`s stewardship over the
dead, or remind yourself that in the end the truth in your heart will be
weighed against a feather.
The statue, sculpted of cold cast resin, measures approximately 11
1/2" tall, 3" wide, and 5" deep.
Artemis The goddess of forests, virginity and the hunt, Artemis was one of
the most widely revered goddesses of ancient Greece, and was often
regarded as the beautiful daughter of Zeus and Leto, and the twin sister
to the famed god Apollo. Indeed, she was even said to have been born
first, before immediately aiding her mother in the birth of Apollo, and
for this reason she is often viewed as a goddess of fertility and
Often depicted with a bow and arrows, she is also viewed as a fearsome
woman, who was said to have often punished or slain those who offended
her or forgot to make offerings to her at the proper times. This is how
she is shown in this wonderful statue; a lithe young woman, with bow
drawn back and arrow knocked, she is a goddess of the hunt with a wolf
representing this ferocity, howling by her feet. From her head sprouts a
mantle of stag horns, representative of the animal which was sacred to
her, while her feet seem to rest upon the surface of the moon; a symbol
that was sacred to the virginal goddess.
Made of cold cast resin, the statue stands approximately 11 1/2"
tall and 7" wide, and is made fantastically painted so as to appear to
be sculpted of bronze. 62.95
Lord Ganesh
Sculpted of brass with painstaking attention to detail, this little
statue portrays Lord Ganesh. The Hindu God is frequently revered as the
lord of beginnings and the remover of obstacles, making him widely
revered. He is also known as the patron of arts and sciences, and for
this reason he is portrayed writing in a ledger with two of his four
The perfect piece to place on your desk for inspiration and help with
those computer problems that creep up, this statue measures
approximately 2 3/4" high and 2 1/4" wide. 25.95
Open Winged Isis Wall Hanging
The revered mother of Horus and the wife and
sister of Osiris, Isis is widely revered as one of the most beloved and
worshipped Goddesses throughout history and one of the greatest
sorceresses of all time. Associated with the divine powers of
motherhood, marital devotion, and healing, Isis is said to have brought
Osiris back to life and aided in his becoming the powerful god of the
underworld for which he is now known.
Here she is displayed in her later form, in full glory with wings wide
open. Adorning her head are the horns and disc, the hieroglyphic sign
for "throne," which marks her station and is a symbol of her power and
authority. Painted in the traditional tones of ancient Egypt, her gold
skin radiates feminine beauty even as her stately divinity shines
through, creating a powerful symbol of the divine feminine that is great
for any altar; not just the ones devoted to Egyptian Pantheons.
This wall hanging measures approximately 11 1/4" wide and 12" high and
is sculpted of cold-cast resin.44.95